Challenging 'What Is a Woman?'. Debunking the Conservative Anti-Trans Documentary

In today's world, where inclusivity and acceptance are becoming increasingly valued, the release of the anti-trans documentary, "What Is a Woman?" by The Daily Wire, has sparked significant controversy and concern. This film attempts to undermine the experiences and identities of transgender individuals, promoting a conservative perspective that is at odds with progressive values. In this blog post, we will examine the key arguments put forth in the documentary and explain why it is important to challenge and reject its conservative ideology.

1. Understanding the Context

Before delving into the documentary's content, it's crucial to acknowledge the context in which it was produced. The Daily Wire, known for its conservative viewpoints, presents a skewed perspective that often opposes progressive ideologies. "What Is a Woman?" aligns with this conservative stance, raising questions about the intentions behind its creation and its potential impact on public discourse.

2. The Flawed Concept of Biological Determinism

One of the central arguments in the documentary is the belief in biological determinism, asserting that an individual's assigned sex at birth solely defines their gender. This perspective ignores the widely accepted understanding that gender identity is a deeply personal experience and can transcend societal expectations or biological factors. By emphasizing biology as the sole determinant, the documentary dismisses the existence and validity of transgender identities, undermining the lived experiences of countless individuals.

3. Neglecting the Science of Gender Identity 

Contrary to the documentary's conservative claims, a wealth of scientific research supports the understanding that gender identity is multifaceted and exists on a spectrum. The American Psychological Association, along with numerous medical and psychological associations, affirms that gender is a complex interplay of biology, psychology, and social factors. By neglecting this well-established scientific consensus, "What Is a Woman?" presents an outdated and inaccurate view of gender, further perpetuating harmful stereotypes and biases.

4. Erasing Transgender Experiences

By framing transgender identities as a threat to traditional notions of womanhood, the documentary perpetuates harmful narratives that marginalize and erase the experiences of transgender individuals. It fails to acknowledge the struggles faced by transgender people, including discrimination, violence, and the daily challenges they encounter due to societal norms. By reducing their identities to a mere debate, the documentary undermines the importance of inclusivity, empathy, and understanding.

5. Ignoring the Significance of Self-Identification

Central to the documentary's conservative perspective is the refusal to recognize self-identification as a valid and empowering aspect of gender identity. The ability to self-identify allows individuals to define their gender in a way that resonates with their personal experiences, fostering a sense of dignity and self-worth. By dismissing self-identification, the documentary undermines the autonomy and agency of transgender individuals, reinforcing harmful stereotypes and perpetuating discrimination.


"What Is a Woman?" presents a conservative perspective that disregards the diverse realities of gender identity and perpetuates harmful stereotypes. By emphasizing biological determinism, neglecting scientific consensus, erasing transgender experiences, and rejecting self-identification, the documentary fails to contribute meaningfully to the ongoing dialogue around gender inclusivity and acceptance. As we strive for a more inclusive and equitable society, it is crucial to challenge and reject such conservative narratives that seek to undermine the rights and identities of transgender individuals. By promoting empathy, understanding, and respect, we can work towards a future where everyone's gender identity is valued and celebrated.