Essentials to bring to Pride parades

Each year, pride parades are held throughout the whole world. It’s a time to celebrate your identity and be your unapologetic self. Do you march in the parade alone? With friends or an entire group of people? Or do you rather watch the entire thing from the packed sidelines? Either way, it’s good to show up prepared. Today, we sum up a few possible essentials to bring to a Pride Parade, whether it’s a small one or a big one.

1 Backpack/Bag

Conveniently, a backpack or small bag is ideal to carry a few important items to the parade. Think of: keys, ID card, cash, credit/debit card, a pride flag, clothes, etc.)

2 Drinks

Whether it’s cold or warm weather, it’s important to stay hydrated. Bring a bottle or more water or other drink of your choice to the event.

3 Food

Besides staying hydrated, it’s a good idea to bring something to eat. Be it a snack, a chocolate bar or even a whole meal keeps you energized. Especially if you decide to walk in the parade, you’ll burn some calories!

4 Phone + charger

In this day and age, it may be over-redundant to mention, but bring your phone! Stay connected with others, and stay up to date with possible changes in the schedule or route. If you’re using your phone a lot, don’t forget to bring a charger with you ;) 

5 Friends

Okay, you won’t be able to put your friends in a bag, but a Pride is always more fun if you can enjoy it with others. Go with friends and maybe family! It’s safer to travel in numbers so you can look out for each other, during the trip and the Parade. When feeling overwhelmed or lost, you have friends to back you up and support you.

6 Your favorite outfit

Maybe Pride is one of the few events where you can truly express your sense of fashion.

Maybe it’s the only time you can wear that gender-affirming wear so wear it with pride! Big chance you won’t be judged by others, but instead have a bigger chance to be complimented on that cute top, or that fabulous wig and makeup.

7 Gender-affirming underwear 

If you’re living stealth or simply don’t feel comfortable or safe enough to be out in your direct environment, there are sometimes options to change outfits at a pride parade. If you have gender-affirming underwear such as a binder, tucking or packing underwear, bring it with you! Then you have the option to change at the Pride event and change back once you head back home.

8 Make-up/remover

If you like to don yourself in bright colors, don't forget your make-up. In the same breath, we also recommend bringing some make-up remover. Not only to remove it if you might've made a mistake, but also if you return home and need to be safe. It's a sad truth and confrontation, but you won't be the only queer person who "tones down" their queerness after a pride is over.

9  A non-judgemental attitude

This is something that isn’t just essential for pride but for all year round. However, especially on pride, you expect others to be even less judgemental of others. You’re there to be yourself and so is everyone else, or that’s at least how it should be.

It can be as simple as live and let live. Does someone wear something you don’t like? Let them be. Do you think that person is straight? Maybe they are, maybe they’re not. You can’t tell from just looking. And what if they’re straight? Maybe they are trans, or maybe they are simply an ally or the partner of a queer person. Let them be and enjoy the event.